Our Policy Statements Food Safety, Environmental and Security Policy Statements.

Blue Port Logistics Food Safety Policy Statement

Blue Port Logistics Limited – top management recognizes the importance of food safety throughout the food supply chain particularly at all stages where Blue Port Logistics Limited performs food sourcing, storage, handling, processing and distribution. Everyone within the organization has the collective responsibility of food safety and has a moral obligation to safeguard each other, our customers and the consumers.

A positive food safety culture has been nurturing within the organization. Blue Port Logistics Limited is committed to taking all responsible steps and precautions and exercising our due diligence to protect and preserve the human food chain in our custody.

To ensure best practice Blue Port Logistics has established the internationally recognized Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) system, ISO 9001:2015 – Quality management systems and ISO 22000:2005 Food Safety Management System. To achieve our goal, we:

  • Apply the sound food technology, science, industry best practice into our context;
  • Perform regular identification of hazards, determination of critical control points and timely implementation of effective control and monitoring measures;
  • Conform with the regulatory requirements and the agreed customer requirements;
  •   Define the food safety objectives and continually review to ensure consistent compliance;
  • Communicate, implement and maintain this policy at all levels of the company;
  • Employ the competent staff, reliable contractors and source the reputable suppliers;
  • Provide our personnel with adequate food safety information, training, instructions, tools and equipment to carry out their job in a hygienic and professional manner;
  •  Promote personal hygiene and cleanliness to our staff, contractors, suppliers and visitors;
  •  Develop and strive to continually improve our processes capable of delivery of safe food products through an efficient, effective and suitable food safety management system.

To ensure best practice Blue Port Logistics has established the internationally recognized Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) system, ISO 9001:2015 – Quality management systems and ISO 22000:2005 Food Safety Management System. To achieve our goal, we:

At Blue Port Logistics Limited, conservation and continuous improvement of the environment is a priority. We strive to develop and operate an environmental management system that sets high standards on pollution prevention, resources preservation and legal compliance.

We expect every employee and contractor to adhere to this policy and help reach our goals by:

This policy has been approved by the top Management. It will be reviewed, and if necessary revised, annually to keep up to date and will be released on our company website.

  • continually and effectively improving our environmental performance;
  • complying with and surpassing standards required by the applicable environmental ordinances;
  •  fulfilling all environmental requirements prescribed by the company;
  •  promoting sound environmental policies and practices within the company;
  •  setting and reviewing environmental objectives;
  • conserving resources and maximizing energy efficiency;
  •  minimizing waste wherever practicable;
  •  reusing or recycling waste where appropriate and regulating the treatment and disposal of residual waste;
  •  reducing and preventing pollution where possible;
  •  minimizing vehicular emission of pollutants;
  • minimizing adverse environmental impacts of asset decommissioning and disposal;
  • enhancing environmental awareness of colleagues and contractors;
  •  advocating good environmental practices on both departmental and individual levels; and
  • effectively communicating our environmental performance to stakeholders.

Blue Port Logistics Limited is committed to protecting the company’s employees, properties, information, reputation and customer’s assets from potential threats in the supply chain. This policy is guided by the company’s basic core values, code of conduct, business ethics and supply chain security standards, and it fashions the way we operate throughout the supply chain. All security activities must adhere to the general principles laid down below:

  • Threats analysis and risk evaluations should be conducted on a regular basis;
  • Security procedures and guidelines should be seamlessly integrated with business activities;
  • “Incident prevention” must be the first priority;
  •  Preparedness response plans must be developed and tested to deal with assessed risks rapidly and effectively;
  • Security measures and procedures must be subject to regular inspections, validations and verifications by security auditor so as to maintain high security standards for Blue Port Logistics’ operations world-wide;
  • The level of professionalism, knowledge and integrity of staff involved in security matters must be tightly controlled;
  • Appropriate training plans, customer screening, recruitment, contracting and termination procedures must be established and implemented;
  • All incidents, including security breaches and irregularities must be reported and recorded. Corrective action should be taken and followed up through regular verifications to improve the overall security standard.

This policy has been approved by the top Management. It will be reviewed, and if necessary revised, annually to keep up to date and will be released on our company website.